Tag Archives: sacrifice



“People with understanding control their anger; a hot temper shows great foolishness.” Proverbs 14:29.

When I was younger, I threw temper tantrums when I didn’t get my way.  I have spent enough time with little kids to see a trend in these temper tantrums…not a pretty sight.  Adult temper tantrums are perhaps even worse.  Last fall Bobby and I were on our way home from filming a wedding, and got stuck in the San Francisco airport (not surprising for anyone who has passed through that airport).  Along with many people, we were waiting in a really long line, late at night, and we were not thrilled.  So along with 95% of the people, we were patiently waiting our turn and keeping our irritation under control.  Well, one particular middle aged man lost it.  I mean I was embarrassed to witness this little incident.  He got up to the counter of customer service agents (who, keep in mind, don’t just cancel flights because they are evil and hate the world).  He started yelling, screaming, pointing, making a HUGE scene.  Everyone in the terminal was staring.  Finally security came to help him and he freaked out again.  He lost his temper.  

Let’s back up a little bit.  When someone looses their temper, they are clearly angry about something.  Anger, in and of itself, is not bad.  In fact, there are times we should be angry. We should be angry about injustices in the world: children sold into slavery and prostitution, people dying from lack of clean water, corruption leading to the deaths of the innocent.  We must be angry about these things, because if we aren’t angry, then we are apathetic, which I think is one of the worst possible places to be.

But in our anger, we must work towards an understanding, towards justice, towards compassion, towards love, towards caring more about others than ourselves.  Jesus was angry when he found people selling animals for sacrifices in the temple, turing his Father’s house into a marketplace.  (John 2).

In the Old Testament, God was angry on many occasions when people turned away from Him.  God was constantly revealing Himself to the people and doing miracles, and then they would turn away from Him.  God was always in control, and continues to be in control.  When people loose their temper, they loose control.

“A fool is quick-tempered, but a wise person stays calm when insulted.” Proverbs 12:16

James 1:19 is something I constantly need to remind myself to do: “You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.”  This week I pray that you are quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.
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Posted by on March 17, 2013 in Uncategorized


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